
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I write. My desire is to know the heart of my Father. And when I hear a beat, I love to put words to it in hopes that others will find something to dance to.


Created for His Pleasure

Created for His Pleasure

Revelation 4:11 KJV says, “You have created all things and for Your pleasure they are and were created.” Who are you living for today? Why not take a minute to think about the fact that you were made for a purpose and that purpose pleases God. An engineer drafts out intricate plans for his creations. It is he and he alone who knows the purpose and full potential of what he has designed. Why do we not afford God, our designer, that same conclusion? We are His masterpiece, created that we should walk in the good works that He laid out for us from before the beginning of time. (Eph 2:10). It is He and He alone who knows our purpose and how to make the most of what He has designed. Check in with your designer today and see what good works He has planned for you!

Not only is this truth good for our adulting, it’s a fundamental principle in parenting. Don’t teach your children that they can be whatever they want to be. I know it sounds like you are really encouraging them but you may be setting them up for failure. It’s like saying you can mow the lawn with the blender. The blender was designed for a specific purpose and can make a mean smoothie. A lawn-mower has the perfect design for cutting grass. Imagine the frustration and failure in setting them up to perform only what the other can do. The blender would be forever trying to accomplish an impossible task, slicing small spots of sod and surrounded by towering overgrowth. Hey blender, you were made to blend! Meanwhile the lawn-mower would have a gruesome display of fruit splattered all around the kitchen, unusable and dysfunctional. Hey lawn-mower, you were made to mow the lawn!

Teach your children that they can be whatever God made them to be! This isn’t limiting them but giving them unlimited potential and satisfaction by living out their God-given purpose! And He is joyfully anticipating the collaboration they will have along the way. Who wants to live a life of frustration and dysfunction when God can lead us into fullness of joy? When we are doing what we are made to do, we have a sense of satisfaction and a fulfillment that we can never find on our own. The world lies. Our flesh lies. The devil lies. Those are our enemies because they are at enmity with God, lying in wait to pounce on our purpose and rob us of our destiny. Thankfully these enemies are powerless, unless we give them permission. Doesn’t that sound crazy to you? Who would give a thief permission to break into their home and steal from them? Yet, when we do not believe that God is good and His plans are best, we literally open our doors wide to allow those liars to come in!

A simple thought planted in a young child’s head about being whatever they want to be can seem harmless and even helpful. But watch for social media to come along with its tag lines of rebellion and self-sufficiency and steer them off their path. We have to be sure that our words as Christian parents are clear and do not sound anything like what the world is saying. Our children should hear the world’s message and know that it is a lie. You can set your children up for success by encouraging them in building a real relationship with God, submitting their lives and their plans fully to Him. Remind them that He is good and that they are uniquely created for His pleasure. They will do great exploits and have victory over their enemies when they fully surrender to Him.

Jade Flowers

Jade Flowers

Love it. Live it.

Love it. Live it.