
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I write. My desire is to know the heart of my Father. And when I hear a beat, I love to put words to it in hopes that others will find something to dance to.


Keep Calm, it's Monday

Keep Calm, it's Monday

I’m the Monday morning Chapel teacher at my school and I know what you’re thinking: Monday’s must be tough. I’m not gonna lie- there are times where I can see the closed eyes and bobbing heads of sleepy children in front of me. But- it’s rare. Since Monday has always been my day to preach, I had to figure out a way to overcome the Monday attitude that resides, not only in Garfield, but at times in all of us. This verse came to me one day as I was thinking about it:

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” (1 Peter 2:9 NKJV).

We’re His special people! We’re supposed to be set apart, different than the world and its opinions and attitudes. This Monday thing is the perfect opportunity to teach the HCA students how to put that verse into practice because it focuses on something they can really do! I think it is so important to teach children truth and to give them a foundation to stand on, keeping it based on God’s word in a way that inspires them. So with this Monday thing…Hey Kids! You get to be different! You get to shine a light in the world just by the attitude that you pick this morning!

There is freedom in seeing a Monday as a day to be different. It’s a day to make it count. It’s a day to go for it when maybe no one else is. Talk about a head start! I love to get the kids excited by cheering “Happy Monday!” I remind them that it’s one of our favorite days of the week. First of all, because it’s the day Mrs. Hughes gets to preach. Wink. Of course in saying that, I always get an enthusiastic cheer, but then I go on to say that we are building a great habit by loving Mondays. We’re setting our minds on things above: “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 119:24). Hear that? We will rejoice! By choosing to love Mondays, we are putting God’s word to practice in a very real way.

This Monday idea may seem small, but doing well in what may be hidden or seems little is really the foundation for everything else we’re building. This is exactly the type of teaching that makes a difference with our children. Actually, with all of us. Let’s be doers of the word, right? A huge part of Christian parenting is to look for opportunities to ignite and excite our children to live for God in very real and practical ways. Kids are pretty smart about these things too. They see how we are living and take their example from that. If we’re expecting a good attitude getting our kiddos ready for school in the morning, are we wearing the “Make it Count Monday” attitude? Let’s keep it real with our children and use these things as a way to grow together.

What is the reward for this tweak of attitudes? I have a school full of children who are all engaged on a Monday morning in chapel, and in their schoolwork as they carry this attitude with them into their day. Practicing Monday morning exuberance every week, now when they are young, will also set them up for success in the future. Remember that 8 AM Monday morning college class you had? Oh, that brings back memories for me of having to walk the “quarter mile” in the Rochester wind and snow. I sure could have used this teaching to help me override my desire to skip class. And how about your workplace? What is the vibe on a Monday morning in the break room? I envision our HCA alums shining bright. I predict they will stand out to their bosses and be favored because of it. I see them answering the question posed to them about what is so great about Mondays and using it as a way to share the goodness of God with others!

And what about tomorrow you may say? Well- “Happy Tuesday Everyone!”



Fruitful and Flourishing

Fruitful and Flourishing