
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I write. My desire is to know the heart of my Father. And when I hear a beat, I love to put words to it in hopes that others will find something to dance to.


Psalm 37 Defined

Psalm 37 Defined

Sometimes you just need to read between the lines.

Psalm 37: 3-11

Trust, be confident, be sure, be bold, in the Lord and do good, accomplish agreeable, rich, valuable, excellent things. 

Dwell, settle down, abide, reside, in the land and feed on His faithfulness, steadily you will be tended, shepherded, a companion, a special friend.

Delight yourself, make yourself merry, make a habit of being happy- in the Lord.

He will give you, grant, devote, deliver, mention, utter, extend, to you the desires, request, petitions of your heart, your inner man, the seat of your passions. 

Commit yourself, roll together your way, the course of your life and your journey with- the Lord

Trust, feel safe, be careless also in Him as you put your life in Him, and He will bring it to pass, do it, make it, establish it, appoint it, celebrate it, attend to it. 

He will bring forth, cause to come out, bring out- righteousness, what is right, right speech, deliverance, victory, prosperity, redemption, a joy of salvation like the light, day-break, dawn, shining stars. 

And your justice, a verdict for you, a decision for you, will come as the noonday, as a blessing- shining like a bright sunny day. 

Rest, be silent, wait, don’t speak, make yourself quiet in the Lord. 

Wait patiently, entwine yourself, whirl, dance, long for Him. 

Do not fret, burn, be incensed or heat yourself up in vexation because of him who prospers, rushing to succeed, advancing in his way and habits, or the man brings wicked schemes and purposes, who plots evil and it comes to pass

Cease from, relax, drop, abandon- anger.

Forsake, leave, drop, abandon- wrath, fever and poison, venom. 

Do not fret, burn hot and furious with anger- it surely causes harm, injures you, breaks or shatters you, makes you sad.

For evildoers, those who are injurious or mischievous, will be cut off, cut down, eliminated, chewed up, destroyed.

But those who wait upon- look for, hope, expect, entwine, braid, and bind themselves together with- the Lord, they will inherit- possess, seize, occupy the earth- the given ground, the land of the living.

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