
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I write. My desire is to know the heart of my Father. And when I hear a beat, I love to put words to it in hopes that others will find something to dance to.


A Knock at the Door

A Knock at the Door

Maybe you attended church or a vacation Bible school when you were a kid and heard the teacher talking about inviting Jesus into your heart? The Bible says that Jesus stands at the door and knocks and if we open the door we can invite Him in and our heart becomes His home. That lesson can be heard in most any Sunday school class and even at the end of adult Sunday sermons during the altar call. But what does that really mean? If you imagine a scenario of you in your home and Jesus coming and knocking at your front door, what would you do?

I know that when people are coming over to my house, I want to clean it and get it in order before they come. I vacuum. I put away all the things that have piled up on my dining room table. I fluff and straighten all the cushions on the couch. True confessions- my laundry is normally on top of the dryer, as well as overflowing the baskets and sometimes even on the floor.  So if someone is coming to visit and I know I can’t get it all done, I hide it behind the shower curtain and/or in the dryer, depending on how much I have. 

Of course if it’s Jesus coming, I would want to take it to the next level. When I picture Him in my home, I think about making everything perfect for Him. I would want Him to have the best seat. I would have delicious delicacies for Him to eat off of the finest china and exotic drinks in golden goblets. I would want the most beautiful perfumes to be diffused in the air and rare flowers in bloom in priceless vases all around the room.

I’d have to hide a lot of things besides the laundry. I mean, my house has some things that need fixing.  In fact, as I look around my little house, now that I think about it, I couldn’t invite Jesus in. I don’t have any of the things that I was talking about. My house just isn’t good enough for a King to visit, much less The King of Kings. How would I ever accommodate Him to the level of which He is worthy? As these thoughts swirl in my head, I hear a voice in my heart that is not my own:

I’m not that kind of a guest, He says.

When I come in, I want to go right to your favorite spot on the couch and hang out with you. Don’t put Me in a rigid high-backed chair on the other side of the room. I want to get up close to you. You have so many things about you that I love. Talk to Me! Tell Me everything!

I would love to help you in the kitchen. I see you like to cook. Let’s cook together! I’ve got some great recipes. Can we invite your neighbors over? I really want them to get to know Me too. I love to serve and I'll help you to learn how to do it! Then later, I’ll stick around after everyone is gone and we can do the dishes together. And tomorrow I’ll fix that one cupboard that doesn’t close right, ok? I know it’s been that way for a long time but I’ve got carpentry experience and I’ve got the tools. We will make it as good as new. 

Yes, Jesus is a King and He deserves so much more than I can give Him but He isn’t asking me for what I can’t give. In fact, it isn’t about what He wants from me at all. It’s about what He has for me- a real relationship with an all-access pass. His plan for me is an abundant life, help for my soul, and joy for my journey. Even more, He has a life of purpose that energizes and fulfills me because it’s about more than just me. 

I think it's easy to believe the lie that we have to become something better before we let Jesus in to our lives but the truth is, He loved us first! Maybe you have heard some knocking lately and when you thought about the condition of your heart or your life, you didn’t answer. Maybe you think you can’t do what He needs you to do so it's better just to keep Him at a distance.

But really, all you have to do is…open the door. 

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev 3:20 NKJV).



