
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I write. My desire is to know the heart of my Father. And when I hear a beat, I love to put words to it in hopes that others will find something to dance to.




The Bible refers to paths in many verses. Humans can get it all twisted up in their heads. As a Christian kid, I thought God’s path for me had to be straight and in the light of that pressure and given my personality, rebellion seemed my only option. First-borns get caught up in perfection but I am the baby of the family and that was not my lens. From my perspective, living a life for God was impossible and I didn’t see how I would ever be able to manage the tight-rope walk that I envisioned. And I wasn’t even sure His path was going to line up with what I wanted, so I decided MY WAY was my highway. 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11 ESV).

Thank you Jesus for the truth of that verse. Late one night I was in my bed, in my messed up life, in despair, and deep inside me a Voice sweetly and strongly said, “You have tried your own way, will you give Me a try?” In wonder and relief, I said yes, and the path of life opened up to me.

Since then, I have lived another thirty-two years and have sojourned with Him. His paths are curvy and steep at times. At other times they seem straight and clear. Sometimes He leads me to descend into the valley shadows that David wrote about. I may not see ahead in those times but the nearness of His presence is even more evident somehow. I’m always grateful when we finally come out the other side. There, I find myself amazed at the beautiful open spaces awaiting me. They are the secret places that only blind trust can lead you to. 

I am sure there are times when I went left when He said right. But I wasn’t lost or left to fend for myself. My good Shepherd always circled back around to find me, to make a way, to walk me out and even to use every wrong step for good somehow. A misstep isn’t a disqualification. It is an opportunity to be redeemed, to grow, and to know the mercy and grace of God. Surprisingly, there have also been moments on the path where I come to a crossroads and the decision on which way to go feels like it’s mine alone to make. It’s just a guess but I feel like those times are different paths that connect on the other side to the same destination. How fun He is!

Do not misunderstand me. We don’t have to be perfect but we must not allow ourselves to twist things the other way, believing “I can do what I want and God will still bless me.” I was doing what I wanted and God WANTED to bless me, but I wasn’t walking WITH HIM on my path. There were good things to be salvaged from my mess but I was not living a life of joy and pleasure. My marriage was a wreck and my life was dysfunctional and just plain sad. It was easy for me to give up my way that night on my bed in exchange for God’s way. But I would encourage you in the truth that you don’t have to mess up your life to need God. 

God’s paths are not meant for us to forge by our own deeds of right and wrong. They are free-will surrendered steps for us to take on paths He created FOR us and they are filled with good. They are where HE is to be found. On His path is HIM. HIS PRESENCE on the path with us is what gives us access to real life, joy, and pleasure! 

Maybe you think you have a good life. If you aren’t walking with God, it’s not the best life. Without God, you are settling or you are selfishly holding on to something false, not believing that God has real life that He will gladly exchange with you for that. You can’t find your LIFE on your own. You can’t find your path in the following of the stars or by some other new age spirit guide or in a bottle or another person. Your FATHER alone will show you the paths of life because HE CREATED THEM for you before the foundation of the world was created- GOOD WORKS for you to walk in says Ephesians 2:10. He is the WAY, there is no other TRUTH, and all LIFE you need is found in relationship, in walking on your paths, with Him. 



A Knock at the Door

A Knock at the Door